blue square

Giclee Prints

Giclee prints are individually produced on fine hand-moulded paper using special archival inks. Due to their delicate quality, prints should be treated the same as original works of art. They should be handled with care, protected from moisture, and kept out of direct sunlight.

We publish closed, limited editions of each image in 2 sizes, 16” high and 22” high in variable widths, dependent on the proportions of the image. Each is printed on oversized paper, signed and numbered and ready to be framed.

Prints are rolled in a sleeve and shipped in mailing boxes within the continental United States. Once received, they should be framed by a professional framer. Allow the print to lie flat or weighted to reduce the curl in the paper. Prints should be matted using acid-free, archival mattes, UV-protected glass, and museum framing.

Prints may be ordered online.

Evening Light, March


Summer Evening, Front


Winter Sentinel, Stroud Preserve


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